Tuesday, December 3, 2019

post PRP day 26

It has been 26 days since my PRP injection on Nov 7, 2019.  

Exercise / Activity Regimen:
Nov 7-15: 
I limited my walking in the first 8 days to almost nothing.  No other exercise.

Nov 16-Nov 21
I started cycling on the bike trainer at a very low wattage (150 watts), starting at 20 minutes, and adding 5 minutes each day until I hit 45 minutes (6 consecutive days). I also did some light weight lifting  after each bike workout (upper body only).   I also walked dogs at a shelter for 2 hours on the 21st - This was a mistake.

Nov 22 - took the day off

Nov 23-Nov 26
Continued with cycling at low wattage, starting at 50 minutes, adding 5 minutes each day until I hit 60 minutes (4 consecutive days).  My foot was sore after the 60 minute workout.   I also did some light weight lifting  after each bike workout (upper body only).  I also raked leaves in the yard a couple of times.

Nov 27-Nov 29 - took 3 days off

Nov 30- Dec 3 (today)
I did 50 minutes on Nov 30th, then 60 minutes the following 3 days. Today was the first day I added some watts, doing 1 minute at 250 watts with 10 minutes ez (150 watts) between each 1 min interval.  I am doing this for a few reasons: my sanity; blood flow; weight control; fitness maintenance.  Also upper body weight lifting.  

There were several days where I went shopping with my wife, with crutches at first, then sometimes on crutches, then 1 crutch, then no crutches.  About 2 weeks before I got to no crutches.

How does it feel?
So far, it doesn't seem like much has changed.  My foot around the heel is still tender.  I don't know if it is from the procedure or the Plantar is still torn.  It feels fine (no pain) after a bit of walking, but this was true prior to the procedure.  I definitely feel 'something' there.  As they told me, I have good days and not so good days at this stage.

What am I not doing?
I am avoiding messaging my foot.  Sometimes it feels like a big knot down there, but I think that is a normal part of the healing.  I am taking nothing that would reduce the swelling (ibuprofen, etc.).  I have limited my stretching and am being very careful not to stretch or strain the Plantar.  I take in very little caffeine and alcohol is limited (2-3 parties where I've had 3-5 drinks - it is the holiday season after all!) and the occasional glass of wine or beer with dinner.  

What else am I doing?
Messaging my calf a lot to keep the blood flow. Trying to get at least 8 hours of sleep.  Taking daily vitamins.  

What's next?
I hope things will be better at 8 weeks.  I have an appointment at 12 weeks and hoping I can cancel it.  Still holding out hope!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

PRP day 4

I'm on my 4th day of PRP for my Plantar.  I'm still using crutches so that I don't strain the Plantar tendon just yet.  There is very little pain today, but I definitely can feel it if I put pressure on my foot.  The doc said that the amniotic supplement would reduce pain significantly, so that seems to be working.  I'm supposed to gradually begin to walk, so today I am using 1 crutch about half the time.  Taking a shower of course I have to put some weight on it, but that's no big deal.  I'm also doing a little bit around the house, like replacing the weather stripping around the doors, where I was able to put most of my weight on my right leg.  I also changed a light bulb on a step stool which required me to put some weight on my left foot.  Going up and down stairs is a real pain.  I did some upper body weight lifting in the basement yesterday, trying to stay on the crutches as much as possible.  No wonder my poor foot hasn't been able to recover - I can't seem to sit still!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

My first experience with PRP

On Thursday I had my first PRP  (Platelet Rich Plasma) treatment 2 days ago ($800).  It also included amniotic supplement ($650).  I tried Prolotherapy earlier in the year, but didn't do a good job in terms of recovery.  

The mistakes I believe I made with the Prolotherapy include:
-Too much time on my feet during recovery
- Too much time doing activities that strain the tendon (climbing ladders, cutting wood with a chain saw).  While I tried to wear a boot during these activities, I believe I still put too much strain on.
- The wrong type of massaging - massaged the actual area of pain - should have focused on my calf muscles and used trigger point approach
- Stretching - too much of the wrong type of stretching.  Should not stretch calf during recovery
- Too short of a recovery period.  I should have waited 2 months before riding outside and swim.  I started 2 weeks after prolotherapy treatment.

I plan to reverse all of these for the PRP treatment.  2 months is a long time, but I believe it will be necessary for recovery.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Checking in - Resurgence of PF

It's been over a year since I posted about my Mont Tremblant race.

I now have another bad case of Plantar Fasciitis and decided to go back to my earlier posts in this blog to see if I could learn something from my earlier experiences with this injury to see if I can accelerate the healing process.

I haven't been able to run for 2.5 months at this point and things don't seem to be getting better.

I haven't stopped riding my bike and I am wondering how much that is slowing the healing process.  Not sure I can give up riding - need it for mental stability!

I retired in March 2017 and started hiking the Appalachian trail with my wife.  We did almost 500 miles this year.  When I wasn't hiking on the trail, I was running and riding at home.  I really should have given my poor feet a break.

I got an MRI and it doesn't look good.

I've reviewed my notes from my earlier self and have been doing much of those things already (in fact, I probably wouldn't have been able to finish Mont Tremblant if I hadn't).  However, there are a couple of things that I don't think I mentioned in my earlier blog that will probably help:
- stop cycling and wear a boot for a month
- then start strength training the foot

I think I was trying to skip the healing process before I began the strengthening process.  We'll see how it goes.

Oh yeah, my new blog for my wife and I is: https://wordpress.com/stats/day/jesseandsena.wordpress.com

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Ironman Mont Tremblant 2016 Race Report

Finisher Medal on IMMT chamois backdrop
(the longer the race, the longer the race report)

Leading up to the race I was feeling strong and healthy.  I had hit the pool regularly and had done a bunch of long open water swims, I rode six solid solo 100+ mile rides and five 18+ mile runs averaging 7:30 pace.  I was ready to knock this thing out of the park.

Ok, well - that's the rosy picture I was painting for myself and my supporters - the reality is that I was kind of freaking out a little - I hadn't done an Ironman in 9 years and I am turning 55, I wasn't getting enough sleep and while I had been pretty healthy for 4 months leading up to the race, the week before the race I tweaked my shoulder swimming, my hip was starting to bother me and the day before we left, I sliced my thumb trying to remove a bite valve from a tube on my hydration system.  Time to pull back and relax a little.

The idea was to drive up to Mont Tremblant (MT), spend a couple relaxing days with the family in a beautiful condo overlooking the lake, close to the race start.
View from the Condo
Ironman Mont Tremblant Village
Dinner with family and friends
Goofing around Thursday night
 It was a nice 10 hour drive up to MT and I actually got to take a little nap. Unpacking the car and getting my bike set up took longer than expected, so I didn’t take the short bike ride that I expected on Thursday. Instead, I spent time hanging out with the family having a nice dinner and checking out the race venue which was extremely well done and organized - larger than life M-dot stage settings and photo op stuff everywhere with a backdrop of a beautiful little European, Disneyesque ski village.
Poutine and Sausage Dinner Thursday night - Yum
I got up early on Friday to ride the technical part of the course about 11 miles nice and easy – oh boy, this was going to be fun to race.  

After the ride, I walked down to the transition area with my daughter who was going to run part of the course – I declined joining her as I was trying to save my legs for the
race and headed over to registration - funny how they weigh you before the race.
We visited with friends who have a place in MT and I did a short, easy swim afterward and felt great.

It’s easy to overthink these races and I was falling into that trap. They give you 5 bags to put your stuff in – race morning bag, bike transition bag, run transition bag, bike special needs bag, run special needs bag.  Ugh.  The week leading up to the race, I realized my new tri suit had no pockets and I really had no room on the bike for bars, gels, electrolytes and flat repair stuff – so I was still trying to figure out what to do on that front.  I ended up using my rear bottle holder for my flat repair and to hold 1 nutrition bar (220 calories).  I used my downtube bottle holder to do water exchanges and I filled my aerobar water bottle holder with powdered nutrition – Perpetuem + Heed (930 calories).  I had an extra nutrition bar (220 calories) in my bike special needs back and I would carry my electrolytes on the inside pocket of my tri suit even though it was hard to get at.  I wouldn’t mess around with gels on the bike.  See what I mean about over thinking it?

On Saturday I watched the women’s Olympic triathlon on TV, then dropped my bike off and dropped my swim-to-bike and bike-to-run transition bags off and headed back to the condo to relax while the family took the gondola up the mountain.  My daughter ran one loop of the course and let me know how hilly it was.  I ate a big pasta dinner with the family early on Saturday night.  No workouts on Thursday or Saturday and an easy bike and swim on Friday – I should feel fresh for the race.

Race day I woke up at 4am, but felt groggy and not at all hungry, but forced half a bagel with peanut butter down along with a banana.  Got my nutrition bottles together and headed down to the race with my daughter at about 5:30am. When I got to transition, I realized I forgot my most important nutrition bottle and my daughter ran back up to the condo to get it (Thank you Erika!).  My front tire didn’t seem to be holding air, but there wasn’t much I could do about it (in hindsight it was the pump and not the tire, so all was good although I may have been a bit over inflated).

The swim start was packed with nervous athletes ready to hit the water.  It was a very cool experience with fireworks kicking off each wave, and fighter jet from the Canadian royal airforce doing high speed fly-bys.  I tend to stumble around the swim due to my nearsightedness, but managed to make it to the starting line without incident.  I hadn’t really thought much about the swim – just line up in the middle and go straight at the buoys markers.  I had a couple of guys in front of me on the beach, but not much I could do about that. We were the 7th wave of swimmers (all men over 50) and there were over 1500 racers who had already started – my wave had to be a few hundred. 
The fireworks went off and so did we. The swim start of an Ironman always gets you blood flowing – feels more like a wrestling match in the water than a nice swim.  I had a decent start and was moving pretty well for a while until we caught the wave in front of us – then everything started going bad.  These are the least experienced swimmers from the previous wave, so, they are going sideways – they are stopping dead in front of you – they are pushing you if you bump into them.  It was pretty ugly out there and there were a lot of them to get through.  I don’t think I got clean water for more than 2 minutes the rest of the race. In hindsight, I should have swum to the left or to the right of the buoys and avoided the log jam. I would also say that prefer the mass start of Ironman rather than wave starts - it is just too hard to swim through the slower swimmers, but in a mass start, after the first 200 meters, everyone is more or less swimming with their peers.

When we got to the middle of the lake, there were swells and chop – I kind of dig these conditions when swimming alone – easy to get into a rhythm with the water.  But when people are banging into you left and right, it’s just annoying.  Well, I lost my swim mojo a little over halfway through the swim when someone hit my foot and my foot and calf immediately cramped up and I had to stop and massage it for a couple of seconds.  The rest of the swim was just about grinding it out until I got to shore.

I’m a land lover and once on shore I got my wetsuit peeled off and I started running past people – lots of people – I had to push through a few of them because they were moving so slow and blocking the way – come on people, this is a race!

In the changing tent, I threw my ear plugs into my transition bag, put on my helmet and sunglasses and spent WAY TOO LONG trying to put on the top of my tri suit because it was wet and tight fitting – in hindsight, I should have just kept in on during the swim.  I also struggled with putting my electrolytes in the inside pocket.  I would say I lost a full minute messing around in the changing tent.  Then I got to my bike and went to put my first shoe on and I felt something in the shoe – it was my ear plug, so I took the shoe off, removed the ear plug and put the shoe back on again – Unfortunately, when I went to put the other shoe on, the exact same thing happened – what are the odds?!  Another 30 seconds lost in T1. 

I got out of T1 (Transition 1) and I was moving on the bike – ahh finally.  Felt so easy and so strong.  I started drinking water with a goal of having completed 22 oz bladder and refilled the bladder with my water bottle before the first water stop.  I passed a load of people climbing some nice hills and flying down descents. The rain kicked in about 10 miles into the bike and it rained pretty much the rest of the race.

I waited until I was getting a little hungry before I started taking in nutrition – I’ve learned never to force the calories.  About 45 minutes into the bike I was hungry and started drinking my Perpetuem/Heed mix – it was heavily concentrated, so I was taking in a little at a time.  I felt like I was flying and was surprised how easy it was.  I should have realized I had a tail wind.  The hills were long and rolling in the first part of the course and my max speed got up to almost 50mph at one point, but a lot of riding in the high 30s and low 40s.  Coming back was a different story and it was time to focus on getting small and aero.  I continued passing – there was a pack that kept riding my wheel and repassing me, but after a few hills, they petered out - none of the young guys likes a skinny old dude with “54” on his calf to pass them. 

I was hydrating well (trust me) and enjoying the ride.  We went through the village of Mont Tremblant, back through the resort, then up to the more technical and steep part of the course that I had ridden a couple of days before.  I felt good and was just flying up the hills and down the hills.  There was a lot of bike traffic on this first loop and it was raining hard, so I had to be careful coming down and around the blind turns, but I got through it and don’t think I lost too much time.  At the halfway point, my cheering section was out there in the rain routing me on.

Halfway through the bike, I hadn’t taken any electrolytes yet and didn’t want to deal with digging them out of the inside pocket of my tri suit – this was probably a mistake that I would pay for later.
I got to the bike special needs bag and I called for my bag and no one came, so I just kept going.  This may have also been a mistake not getting my nutrition bar and banana, but I figured they had nutrition along the way and I would just take it as necessary. 

I fumbled around with the one nutrition bar that I had in my rear bottle – first I had to open the bottle, then open the packaging on the bar – let’s just say that is a period I was being passed by other riders. 
But I got the bar down and was feeling pretty good having already ridden 60 miles.  I still had some nutrition in my bottle as well.  I grabbed a 1/3 of a banana at a stop at one point and a bite sized Cliff bar about 80 miles in, so I felt like I was getting just enough calories.

The headwind and hills coming back were tough and everyone was slowing down having already gone 80+ miles.  I was still passing people, but wasn’t feeling great – just getting through it - pretty much as expected.

Through the town and up the hills again – my brain was getting a little fuzzy and I was pretty tired and now it was time to run a marathon!  

(apparently my Garmin was not recording elevation properly - the course was about 5500 feet of climbing)

T2 was interesting because you get to ride your bike right into transition up to a red carpet running path and hand your bike to a race volunteer.  I got through T2 pretty quick, slathering my toes with Vaseline knowing that I would be soaking wet most of the run.

My legs felt ok at the start of the run, but my energy levels were low.  I stopped by a porta john 1.5 miles into the run and then started climbing the hills.  I was running slow, but my HR was higher than it should be at that pace, even when I got to the flat section.  I decided to take in as much water and Gatorade as I could, walking through the rest stops to make sure I absorbed the nutrition, but nothing was working.  By mile 6, I was completely drained and my left quad started failing (this usually doesn’t happen until mile 20) - how could I be bonking this early in the race - this is bad, really bad. 

By mile 10, both quads were going and over the next 16 miles, I was in survival mode doing whatever I could to get to the finish line.  At the halfway mark, I ran through the resort and my family was there to cheer me on which felt good.  Near the end, I would jog .2 miles and walk .05 miles – I did this for the last 6 miles of the race.  This was totally unexpected given my training and I wasn’t sure how to handle it, so I just muscled through the run watching people pass me left and right.  I was really out of it at that point and couldn’t think straight – I just wanted to finish this damn race.  I hit a lot of dark spots during the run – vowing that I would never do this again – wondering why I was out here in the first place, but I just kept going.  I had to play a lot of mind games with myself to keep going. At one point I was forcing myself to run for 100 breaths before taking a walk break and as soon as my heart rate got below 120, I would start again.  Not a great way to run a race.

Not sure how, but I made it to the finish line – a beautiful spot to finish – downhill – right through the middle of the resort area.  My family was there to cheer me on and it felt pretty good to have that last boost.  I was still out of it, apparently looking at my watch as I went through the finishing chute when they take all the pictures – dope!

I’m glad it’s over.  In hindsight, I should have waited a year before doing another Ironman – I was far too distracted with work to have a good race.  A week later, as I write this, I am feeling the post  race withdrawal blues – at the same time, I am feeling extremely fit and healthy.  I feel like I want to jump into another race and see how I do – but not another Ironman just yet!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Long ride into Philly today

28 degrees at the start - brrr.  Kapo socks really helped keep the toes toasty, but I'm going to need new ski gloves next winter - struggled to keep the fingers warm for the first 40 miles. 

I rode harder than I should have - I have no self control.

Took my old route in, but took Chester Valley trail back which added about 7 miles to what was supposed to be an 80 mile ride. 

I think I pulled my illiopsoas on my 4x1mile running intervals last night - this ride may have exacerbated it.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Got a Waterfi for Christmas.  It's basically a waterproof ipod shuffle with waterproof headphones.

I had a problem getting the voice-over feature to work, but after swimming with it today, it seems to be working better - not sure why.

I didn't actually swim with it because I couldn't get the earplugs to stay in my ears.  When I got home, I looked up a video that explained how to get them in and have them stay.  One of they things they suggested was to use vaseline - that seemed to work.  We'll see next time I am at the pool.

Update: I finally got them in my ear, but they kept falling out.  I ended up turning them upside down in my ear and putting them under my swim cap and that seemed to work pretty well.  Still not perfect, particularly when I turn around and push off the wall - that seems to loosen them up quite a bit and then they are prone to fall out. 

Big Cramp in the pool today after a hard bike session

Went to the pool today and was swimming pretty well until I cramped right at the end of the workout.  

2x250 Mod
4x50 with 25drill and 25 build
2x200 Mod
4x50 with 25drill and 25 build
2x150 hard
200 kick 
200 Cooldown (free/back)

I started to do the 200 kick at the end - 50 with kickboard, then put on fins and foot cramped right up.  I decided to skip the kick and do the cool down

On my last 25, I was swimming on my back and BAM - my right calf cramped hard - huge knot in the calf - it's going to take weeks to recover from a cramp like that.  Last time I had that was in the AC half IM this summer.  

So why did this happen?
- From a 20 min FTP test on the bike trainer earlier in the day
- Limited electrolyte intake today
- Too much chocolate (caffeine over the holidays)

Who knows, but I've got to get this fixed. Might need to check out #itsthenerve supplement

Saturday, December 19, 2015

TIme to lay down a plan for 2016

I'm thinking about doing an Ironman in 2016 - not sure why - guess I miss the lifestyle a bit and want to take advantage of my fitness.

I've been doing a bunch of short to medium course racing, but never getting serious.  I don't think you can even consider an Ironman unless you get serious.  So what has to change?
  1. I've got to get plenty of sleep - I often short change myself here and it just wears me out over time.  No more - this is top priority.
  2. Strength training - I have got to get into a regular strength training routine.  I need to have a planned progression around strength training and a bunch of 30 minute workouts that I can execute in front of the TV (more time with my wife) or at my home gym in the basement.  
  3. Race day execution - I've had several bad races over the past couple of years.  The number 1 reason (I believe) has been dehydration - if I miss a key water stop on the bike, I am baked because I can't consume calories and just want to puke.  I will never miss another water stop. There are other tweaks and tunes I have to moderate on race day, but this is a biggie.
  4. Work / Life balance - I've been working too hard.  I've have got to execute when I'm in the office, get out on time and stop working after I leave the office.  
  5. Bike Commute into work - I should plan to ride into work Monday and Wednesday every week as the weather warms up.  This will give me time back from the 45 min commute each way and allow me to get over 100 bike miles in before the weekend hits.  How sweet is that?  There is a relatively flat option and a hilly option - I can do hilly on the way in, and flat on the way home, or vice versa.  Both allow for good solid interval training.
  6. Take 1/2 day on Wednesdays during the summer and do a long ride (100+ miles) on that day, so I can do quality long runs on Saturday.  So I would ride into work (25 miles), work for 4 hours and eat lunch, then do a 75+ ride.
  7. Get organized - let's face it, I haven't used a training plan since I did Ironman 9 years ago.  I've got to create a really good training plan that works for me and builds gradually over time.  
  8. Use this blog to keep myself on course - sometimes, just putting stuff on paper helps me think things through.  I might was well put it here and maybe someone else can benefit from it.

So, I've left off the 'get a coach' to-do.  I guess I'm just a stubborn old goat, but I like the self coaching and working things through - this is almost as much fun as training and racing.  It's a journey that I enjoy.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Nationals Race Report - 2 for 1

Went to Nationals in Milwaukee to see if I could qualify for Worlds at both Sprint and Olympic distances. 
Drove 12 hours.  Dropped my bike off.

 Checked out the course (Swim to T1)
 Swim Exit - steep and challenging

 Checked out the expo
Ready to Race - cool green shoes, huh?

Solid race on day 1 - Olympic course - Qualified for worlds!  The only problem was a side stitch a mile 4 - sucked, lost a couple of places, but got through it in the end.

When I went to get my bike after the race, it had gotten tossed around a handlebars were messed up. 

Day 2, I was having a good race until I crashed my bike coming into T2 - tried to thread the needle between two old guys from an earlier wave and one of them staggered in front of me in the middle of my flying dismount.  Fur was flying - lost my bike shoe, but didn't realize it at the time.  My toe got the brunt of it.

T2 was a mess.  I forgot to take off my helmet and started to go out the wrong exit.  Fortunately, a spectator was yelling at me about the helmet and I stashed it nearby and didn't lose too much time.

I then qualified for the Sprint Worlds on day 2.

Job done!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Diamond in the Rough race report

This was supposed to be a tune up race for Nationals on Aug 8th, but after my shit show at AC 72.3 and seeing that Blair S. a particular competitor in my age group was registered, I decided to hit this one hard.
I knew when I signed up 6 months ago I knew that this was a bikers / swimmer race – the bike was 2 miles longer than the standard distance and the swim was a full mile instead of 1.5k. 
I fixed a bunch of things that I screwed up on my last race – anti-fog for goggles, full sleeve wet suit, no borrowed race kit, lots of body glide – I was ready. 
The water was cool and flat and I was able to sight the buoys pretty well.  I stayed mostly on course the entire swim and was feeling pretty good until the last 100 yards where my foot started to cramp up.  I just relaxed and never got into full-on intense cramp mode.  I got to the dock and climbed the long staircase to the top, then ran 200+ yards to T1, downing two cups of water along the way.  It took me too long to find my bike and as soon as I got to it I puked a little – twice.  Not sure what that was about, but ran through the mud out of T1 about 150 yards to the bike mount.  
The road out of the park is narrow and winding – there were a lot of bikers to get around.  There was a guy not too far ahead and he was moving pretty good… every time I tried to catch him, he pulled away just a little more – he was really good on the turns and a solid climber – I’m pretty sure that it was Blair. 
I passed a ton of guys along the way and I traded places with a 30-34 year old most of the ride.  I took the hills and descents; he took a long flat section, but I lost him on the last hill at mile 20.  I passed 2 guys in my age group between mile 15 and 20 on the bike – really surprised to see that.  It was very crowded coming back through the park road into T2 with earlier Sprint racers finished and walking back to their car – pretty hairy dodging them.
T2 went pretty well until my shoe got stuck in the mud and came off my foot and I had to go back for it. 
I had no idea what place I was in coming out of T2, but I didn’t see many bikes which is always a good sign.  One guy came out just in front of me and I watched him slowly pull away as I was trying to find my run legs and get my breathing under control.  First mile 6:54 – not great, but that’s all I’ve got.  Another guy catches me and pulls away just before the 2 miles mark.  Mile 2 – 6:46.  Man, I knew I wasn’t run fit, but come on dude, this is a race.  This is a 5 mile out and back – why haven’t I seen the top guys  coming back from the turn around yet - this is a good sign - maybe I'm not as far back as I thought.  I finally see the top guy, then another guy, then Blair in third – it seems like he has at least 1/2 mile on me – no way I can catch him, but I've have to try.  Then I see the two guys that passed me coming back from the turn around.  Ok, I’m in 6th – that’s a big surprise.  
I get to the turn around and it feels good to know I’m heading home.  Mile 3, 6:44 - I feel a blister in the back of my heel – I’ve gotta stop and adjust my sock.  Ok, 1.5 miles to go and I can see a pack of 3 ahead – looks like Blair was caught by the two guys that passed me, but no way I catch him – come on Kona, empty the tank.  Mile 4, 6:44 (including stopping to fix the sock).   
I can’t believe it, my running legs start to come back to me in the last mile as I reel Blair in and pass him with less than 400 meters to go – I don’t look back.  6:24 in mile 5. 
I’m not sure what happened out there, but glad it came together.  I’ll be 54 in a couple of months and happy that I can still hang with the top guys even if it is a small pond race.

Overall, this is a really good course and I would probably do it again if Neil gets his USAT scoring back.  Some shade on the run really helps.  A few practice rides on the bike course would make a big difference.

Splits  Time Distance Elev Gain Elev Loss Avg Speed Max Speed Avg HR Max HR Avg Bike Cadence Max Bike Cadence Normalized Power® (NP®) Avg Power Max Power Avg Temperature
1 02:50.2 1 20 16 21.1 26 155 162 84 98 225 214 328 83
2 02:41.7 1 72 59 22.3 32.1 153 157 88 99 233 222 365 79.2
3 02:26.6 1 26 49 24.6 31.4 149 153 90 98 204 203 460 77.5
4 03:07.6 1 82 13 19.2 25 151 155 86 97 242 228 481 77
5 03:48.0 1 174 7 15.8 23.6 151 155 87 100 253 248 390 77
6 02:55.1 1 75 46 20.6 27.8 149 154 87 98 225 221 452 77
7 03:19.7 1 141 85 18 37.1 150 153 88 119 257 235 418 77
8 03:01.7 1 112 13 19.8 27.1 149 152 89 103 236 232 433 75.9
9 02:33.6 1 43 46 23.4 30.8 147 151 90 101 210 209 438 77
10 02:19.7 1 89 141 25.8 36.8 148 151 92 108 246 230 503 77
11 02:05.7 1 46 85 28.6 37.5 146 148 92 102 209 211 334 77
12 02:15.9 1 20 59 26.5 32 148 153 94 103 237 229 553 77
13 02:08.1 1 46 131 28.1 35.5 147 150 91 100 214 210 328 77
14 02:10.3 1 72 226 27.6 42.9 139 146 87 104 211 162 580 77
15 02:27.6 1 16 46 24.4 29.5 140 143 89 104 204 214 475 77
16 02:16.6 1 7 7 26.4 28.4 144 147 96 109 248 220 445 76.8
17 02:18.5 1 0 7 26 29.1 139 144 92 101 211 208 507 75.2
18 02:22.8 1 20 13 25.2 28.5 136 144 90 100 208 210 368 75.2
19 02:24.2 1 7 23 25 29.8 138 144 92 101 202 192 334 75.2
20 03:21.5 1 115 10 17.9 26.6 142 145 86 104 235 236 381 75.2
21 04:18.8 1 253 59 13.9 34.3 147 150 83 98 267 257 369 76.6
22 02:33.2 1 105 161 23.5 45.8 142 149 90 121 203 200 464 78
23 01:56.2 1 13 249 31 42 134 144 85 102 180 113 301 77.1
24 02:27.2 1 30 26 24.5 28.2 136 141 88 103 218 218 475 77.8
25 02:40.0 1 46 26 22.5 27.2 141 142 91 115 218 211 317 78.8
26 02:35.4 1 52 69 23.2 31.2 141 147 86 102 232 211 436 79.6
27 02:30.0 0.76 7 0 18.2 24 138 150 82 95 174 137 410 79.3
Summary 1:11:56 26.76 1,686 1,673 22.3 45.8 145 162 88 121 229 214 580 77.3